Goodbye Adobe Flash!

Rumorsabout cancelation ofAdobeFlash supporton mobiledevicesisofficial.As it is officially announced,Adobestopsinvestingits efforts infurther developmentof allFlashprogramsfor mobile devices andin the futurewillbe the company'sactivitiesin the fieldreduced toeliminatebugs andfixesothersupported featuresof existingprograms.
Reactionson theblogs of mobilefans worldwideare generally the same,melancholic.Manywrote thatthis is the endof the eraand thebeginning of a newwebsurfing, which willopen the door tootheroptions andpossibilities.
Adobewill start withdeveloping newstandardsandtothe direction ofHTML5technologies, which will, byblogcommunity predicted, have great success inthis field. This means that theversionAdobeFlashPlayer 10.1on the BlackBerryPlaybook will stayin memoryas the lastbig project in the fieldof Android'sMobileFlash.Adobeannouncedthat it willbe another(final) version11.1Adobebrought to daylight for usersof mobile devicesthat will allowwebpagescomfortable time requiredto switch toHTML5technology.Adobealso announcedthe possibility that licensedproducersofsourcecodewho workon their ownversions ofFlashfor mobile phonesthrough supportAdobeAIR, will have the ability to"pack"Flashas applications thatcan be sold instoresthat trademobile applications.
HTML5welcome,and thankstoAdobefor a wonderfulexperience!
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