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The war between Apple and Samsung goes on!, 05/09/2012

We all thought it was the end of the war between Apple and Samsung when a court in California brought a verdict that the South Korean company



Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 review, 30/08/2012

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 review of a tablet that viewed from a technological aspect could be easily called perfection



The powerful Sony Xperia Acro S - review, 23/08/2012

The powerful Sony Xperia Acro S - review, about the new supersonic waterproof Android smart phone from the mighty Sony company .



Operating Systems for mobiles continue the race, 25/07/2012

The widespread platforms have already announced they new operating systems for mobiles . Android 4.1 Jelly Bean , iOS 6 , BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8 are the names of this year's contestants.


Little school

Dual SIM Card Phones definition, 20/07/2012

Evolution of Dual SIM Card Phones. Definition and benefits of use.

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