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BlackBerry Curve 9360, a device that guarantees satisfaction, 30/12/2011

BlackBerry Curve 9360 is quite similar to their predecessor. Dimensions of this device are 109 x 60 x 11 mm, and weighs around 99g.



Android Ice Cream Sandwich vs. Gingerbread, 30/12/2011

Just to let you know, if you now choose Android Gingerbread mobile, all chances are that it will be promoted to the Ice Cream Sandwich, as it is officially called version 4.0.



Facebook accused for failing to keep privacy promises, 30/12/2011

Federal Trade Commission before a certain time accused Facebook of mismanagement of its users data. These includes changing to the policy terms without users knowledge, forwarding data to advertisers without



How to get the most of your camera, 30/12/2011

We need to study the effects that your camera offers. If you are unsure about what to try, look on the internet and if you are still unsure, stick to what you know. One of the most important skills you need to develop if you



New models in 2012!, 30/12/2011

But the race goes on, and who knows what will bring us the 2012. We are curious to see New models in 2012, and this is our list of our expectations:

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