iPhone has survived for half hour under water with silicone "suit"

NeverWet is impressivenewtechnology that is being tested right now.The technology is basedon siliconecoatingthat is used as aspray on electronicdevice anda fewmomentsafter the device becomeswaterproof.Inthis case,scientists are workingon this finding, used theiPhoneas a test"material".Thisprotectivelayeris effectiveagainst otherliquids, not justwater,which would bepossible toexpandedapplications considerably.
This materialcreatesa smallbarrierin the formof air betweenthe deviceand thefluidso thatthere is nophysical contactbetween them.ResearcherAndyJonessaidthatapart from waterandoil, thingslike chocolate,ketchup,mustard will alsofind NeverWet as astrong opponent. RossNanotechnology,a company thathas patentedthis invention,has goneso far thata piece of metalwaskeptsubmergedin salt watereven a year!When theyearspassed, a piece ofmetalwas completelydry!
It seems thatinnovationslike thesewillslowly becomepartof our daily lives.Imagine thatmobilephones andother portable devices without having to worryyou candropinto the tub or pool.Ifthis inventionbecomes availableto everyone, I thinkthat noholidaywill be the sameas before.
This"invisibleglass"has otheradvantagesbesidestheabove.Apparently, thecoatedmaterial for phonesis able toreduceto a minimumglarescreen,while thenewlithium-ion batteries will be ableto befull withtentimes morethan now.Aconcernof wettingof the phone isalreadythe past...Ifyou ask me,I'm all forsuch a future, and theiPhone isalreadyin our offer.
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