Latest posts #Gingerbread



FaceLock - unlock your phone with face scan, 17.04.2012

FaceLock is great application which helps you to access your phone without using any passwords.FaceLock use your face to unlock your phone.



Gingerbread is the most dominant Android OS , 09.02.2012

Web site presented results of their research for market share of Android OS. Main parameter was access and downloads from Android Market. Research for two weeks, until 1st of February.



Android Ice Cream Sandwich vs. Gingerbread, 30.12.2011

Just to let you know, if you now choose Android Gingerbread mobile, all chances are that it will be promoted to the Ice Cream Sandwich, as it is officially called version 4.0.



HTC Sensation XL - review, 15.12.2011

It looks like HTC Sensation XL is making good progress on the market, so we will follow his way and tell you couple of thinks about this giant. When we say giant - we really mean giant,

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