Top 5 selling Android phones

5) Motorola RAZR MAXX
Mister "Big Battery" is synonim for durability. When some device has two time more capacitythan regular devices, then it has to be something big in game. And it is so. Motorola RAZRMAXX has incrediable 3.300 mAh battery and we can say it's real magnet for hard workingconsumers of smartphones and their energy. With Motorola RAZR MAXX you can forget dailycharging, because this device is capable of providing 21 hours of talk! But, don't beblinded. Motorola RAZR MAXX isn't just battery with voice call option. Inside of thisdurable surface lies dual-core processor with 1.2 GHz i outstanding 4.3-inches Super AMOLEDdisplay of 540x960 pixels resolution. Beside long-lasting battery life, Motorola RAZR MAXXposes two good cameras (with 8.0 and 1.3 MP). Don't worry, there is a lot of place for yourphotos, videos and other datas on 16 GB inside + max 32 GB (microSD).4) HTC EVO Design 4G
HTC EVO Design 4G is a phone which managed to get close as much as possible to top 3Samsung phones when sales is about. Why is that? Who knows. Maybe it is because HTC chosedthe right name, or the word is about some good specs? Anyway, HTC EVO Design 4G is advanceddevice in a way of desing and also in the way of technology. HTC provided by this phonefast-working device via its 1.2 GHz processor, extendable memory to 32 GB, updateableGingerbread version of Android and two solid cameras with 5 and 1.3 MP. Comparing withMotorola RAZR MAXX mass battery, HTC EVO Design 4G has potential of "only" 6 hours of talk.There is also 4-inches LCD screen with resolution of 540x960 pixels. HTC EVO Design 4G isn't4G device, even its name says different. The NFC connection is missing also, but if youcompare the price for this smartphone with specs list, you will realize why this phone isso high-rated.3) Samsung Galaxy Note 2
There is a bunch of people saying this is the best Android phone. Maybe it is so, and maybeit isn't. Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has monstrous 5.5-inches Super AMOLED displey and becauseit is device difficult for comparasion with others. This display isn't just huge, alreadyit reflects bright 720x1280 pixels resolution picture. When you have large screen, youdefinitely need fast processor and good battery backup. Samsung knew it and instaled 1.6GHz quad-core processor and generous 3.100 mAh battery. This phablet has almost identicalcameras like Motorola Razr Maxx. Extendable memory is something Samsung always count of, soit's not surprise to see potential maximum memory of 64 GB. Small portable hard drive, youmight say. Simply - a great device in every way!2) Samsung Galaxy S2
Samsung Galaxy S2 is smartphone that prepared the field for king - Samsung Galaxy S3. Atthe time of its appearance, the Samsung Galaxy S2 was Samsung's top model, and here's why.First of all, the device is quite well designed, so even after two years of existence it'sstill the best option for many users, as shown by this high second place. Within thepleasant exterior is a dual-core processor "equipped" with 1.2 GHz speed and greatlithium-ion battery of 1.650 mAh, which offers 18 hours of conversation. Samsung Galaxy S2has not failed also with its 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display with standard resolution of480x800 pixels. Two cameras and 2 of 8 MP and expandable memory up to 32 GB adorncompletely positive impression of this phone. However, not everyone can be a predecessor ofa guardian of the throne - Samsung Galaxy S3.1) Samsung Galaxy S3
When one is at the top, then it's on the top. Samsung Galaxy S3 is a true leader and itshows at every turn, even when it comes to sales. Since its appearance in May last yearuntil this day we can say that this device does not lose its value. And how it would bepossible when Samsung Galaxy S3 is designed in a way to be attractive to everyone. Thephone that has largely recognizable dandelion on its 4.8-inch Super AMOLED display withstunning resolution of 720x1280 pixels, undoubtedly deserves the first place. The fact thatunder the "mask" has a quad-core 1.4 GHz processor, up to 64 GB extensible memory, the newversion of the Android OS and etc, only further boasting this popular face. It would be abit pointless to list what this device can and what is this phone realy represents.Perfection simply have to experience the technology and we fully agree with this kind ofranking list which confirmed the first place for big S3 at top 5 selling Android phoneslist. Do you agree withtop 5 selling Android phoneslist?Категории
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