Latest posts #apple



iPhone 5 comes at autumn?, 21 Feb 12

Rumors are that Apple is thinking about September or October as period of promotion for iPhone 5. The calculations are that in this period to get the most attention, with great option of extending the promotion



Apple as a bad employer?, 30 Jan 12

It looks like Apple has some problems with their workers... Foxconn company, which is responsible for assembling Apple's devices, is accused for bad managing and called bad employer. Couple of Non government organizations



iPad survived fall from space, 11 Jan 12

This time iPad test is showing high endurance of this device from Apple. If you are in situation that you drop your iPad from space - don't worry! This iPad test will show you way.



Toasted iPhone as new speakers, 06 Jan 12

Toasted iPhone is not some joke! This is great work of Gavio company, which is famous with its design vision and design. Toasted iPhone is combination of iPhone, toast and speakers.



Argentina had forbidden the import of iPhone and Blackberry, 05 Jan 12

They had forbidden the import of Apple's and RIM (Blackberry manufacturer) phones into the Argentina. Why?

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