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Samsung Galaxy Note 3 review, 14. '12am14am' 14. Jan

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is really a great device. It is not intended to appeal to everyone and let it stand that way. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 review and verdict



LG G Pro Lite Dual review, 14. '12am13am' 13. Jan

LG G Pro Lite Dual is an affordable dual SIM device, which comes as a successor of the original LG Optimus G Pro. Read LG G Pro Lite review and verdict.



Nokia Normandy as Nokia Android, 13. '12am20am' 20. Dec

Unofficial sources say that Nokia works on Nokia Normandy - improvement budget project of Asha models. Read all about Nokia's Android potential smartphone.



Top 10 smartphones 2013, 13. '12am17am' 17. Dec

The end of the year is coming and it is time to give the final statement when the Top 10 smartphones of 2013 are about. Top 10 smartphones 2013 list.



Apple vs Samsung trial costs , 13. '12am12am' 12. Dec

Jobs’ company spent a whopping $ 60 million in an attempt to stop the main competitor to serve its patents. Apple vs Samsung lawsuit summary and details.

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