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Google Nexus 4 sales delaying, 12. '12am24am' 24. Dec

The fact that Google is "stuck" with delivering the long-awaited Google Nexus 4 was obvious, but now it officially surfaced.



Android enjoys the upcoming holidays , 12. '12am22am' 22. Dec

Google has every reason to sit back, and watch how their Android enjoys the upcoming holidays, because according to several market research



HTC Windows Phone 8S is a great choice, 12. '12am21am' 21. Dec

HTC Windows Phone 8S is a great choice for people who are looking for a mid range smartphone, a well-built phone with solid performance.



Santa knows what is good, 12. '12am18am' 18. Dec

Santa knows what is good, and it is proved by Samsung's new ad, which promotes their high end product the Galaxy Note 2



Habits of mobile phone users , 12. '12am14am' 14. Dec

The University of Washington has performed a very useful study about the habits of mobile phone users (pedestrians) in 20 high-risk

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