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Samsung Note - in white, 11. '12am26am' 26. Dec

Samsung Note White is in South Korea, very popular color of Samsung Galaxy Note. And we have to say that white color this year is very...



Is Facebook phone really necessary?, 11. '12am25am' 25. Dec

The market is slowly filled up with phones intended for use of social network Facebook. The story about Facebook phone is based on how...



Windows Phone 7 compared with Andriod and iOS, 11. '12am24am' 24. Dec

We compared new Microsoft operative system for mobile phones with iPhone OS and Google's Android operative system to see which will be the best.



Carefully with downloading free applications, 11. '12am24am' 24. Dec

In recent months the number of infected phones with Android platform increased by 472%. The main suspects are hackers with criminal background, who once "operated" on the PC.



Most lies go over SMS, 11. '12am23am' 23. Dec

Most lies goes to people over SMS messages - that's fact. And it's very easy - just type something and sent it. Read more about facts about text messages lies.

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