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Lumia 928 specs, 19. 04. 2013.

Specs of Nokia Lumia 928 is quite similar to the previous model. There are 4.5-inch screen of 1280x768 pixels, the 8.7 MP camera. Lumia 928 details, infos.



Samsung flexible display delay , 18. 04. 2013.

Samsung flexible display delayed because of quality problems. Samsung flexible display technology, details, information, date of launch, price.



Nokia Lumia 720, 16. 04. 2013.

Overall, Nokia has done a pretty good job. Despite the expected shortcomings, Nokia Lumia 720 gives a really good impression. Read Nokia Lumia 720 review.



Gold iPhone for $15m, 15. 04. 2013.

Have you ever heard of a gold iphone $ 15 million? One such was sold a few days ago. Gold iPhone details, prices and more infos about gold iPhone.



Samsung Galaxy Win , 08. 04. 2013.

The best thing about Samsung Galaxy Win is its dual SIM option. Read all about Samsung Galaxy Win. Samsung Galaxy Win details, first review, specs and infos

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