Latest posts #Google



Motorola has new logo, 28/Jun/13

Motorola now has a new logo! The reason is the owner - Google. Motorola new logo, Motorola X first picture and details. Motorola new image.



Google Glasses price, 25/Feb/13

Google Glasses will become affordable sooner than anybody could expect with a price of 1.500 dolars! Read all about Google Glasses price and review.



Google glasses, welcome to the future, 23/Jan/13

To put aside the atypical billionaire’s behavior in the form of a New York's subway ride, Sergey was photographed with Google Glasses, welcome to the future



Google Nexus 4 sales delaying, 24/Dec/12

The fact that Google is "stuck" with delivering the long-awaited Google Nexus 4 was obvious, but now it officially surfaced.



Google + Motorola is coming, 14/Feb/12

Actually, it's already in USA. Government of USA approved the purchase of Motorola by Google, so US market is ready. Google and Motorola are waiting for commission of European Union.

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