Latest posts #Android



Nokia Normandy as Nokia Android, 20. Dec 13

Unofficial sources say that Nokia works on Nokia Normandy - improvement budget project of Asha models. Read all about Nokia's Android potential smartphone.



Android KitKat features , 15. Nov 13

Android KitKat gives the impression that everything looks better and more accessible. Google tried by numerous improvements to do more than a classic update



Android logo author , 22. Oct 13

Irina Blok was a designer at Google who was tasked three years ago to design logo for the Android OS. Android logo designer, author, creator and model.



Newkia instead of Nokia, 11. Sep 13

Newkia is a newly formed company that will try to return Nokia to the old paths of glory by switching to Android operating system.



Top 10 apps , 08. Aug 13

Some applications are universal, no matter what part of the world they are coming from. Read the full list of top 10 apps in the world for the past month.

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