Latest posts #market share



Infographic mobile phone usage - demographics, 22. May 12

Infographic mobile phone usage will show us some interesting numbers and charts. We know how mobile phones are all around the world



Gingerbread is the most dominant Android OS , 09. Feb 12

Web site presented results of their research for market share of Android OS. Main parameter was access and downloads from Android Market. Research for two weeks, until 1st of February.



Android Vs iOS - market share, 19. Jan 12

We spoke before about situation on global market of Operative system, and the main actors of this battle are Android vs iOS.



Android Market had 10 billion downloads, 28. Dec 11

Google announced that Android Market get astonishing 10 billions of applications downloads. And still counting...



Apple plans to sell 30 millions iPhones in 3 months, 15. Dec 11

Some experts are predicting that this company will sell 30.000 units of iPhone. Many people will say that's very ambitious but achievable plan, but if we tell you that is a plan for next 3 months - you will stay speechless.

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