Latest posts #Ice Cream Sandwich



Gingerbread is the most dominant Android OS , 09. Feb 12

Web site presented results of their research for market share of Android OS. Main parameter was access and downloads from Android Market. Research for two weeks, until 1st of February.



Sensation with Android 4.0, 06. Feb 12

HTC will present their update for Sensation with Android Ice Cream Sandwich.



Mess with Samsung Galaxy S update, 06. Jan 12

It looks there should be new update for Galaxy S update, because there is mess on the update elements. Be careful with update and check on the official web site.



Android Ice Cream Sandwich vs. Gingerbread, 30. Dec 11

Just to let you know, if you now choose Android Gingerbread mobile, all chances are that it will be promoted to the Ice Cream Sandwich, as it is officially called version 4.0.



ICS update for LG phones from next year, 27. Dec 11

Good news for LG users, they should receive update version around June or July next year. LG si preparing ICS update, and there will be schedule for update depending in what country you are, but there is also wait list by model of the phone. First on the list are: LG Optimus LTE, LG my Touch

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